Volunteer Software

People Helping People

Live Update appends the next alpha letter to the current version number of the Volunteer Reporter. Since version 6.0 you can see the version at the top left of the Reporter window. As laways, you can also check your version in Help | About the Volunteer Reporter.

The way the updates, aka patches, work is that once Live Update has been run the patch files are installed in a Patches folder inside the data folder (typically) on the server. Then whenever a user opens the Reporter, that workstation Reporter installation is updated as well. Some of the updates could be performed in the Reporter’s program folder, others in the data on the server. That process does not always complete, however, because some users do not have the right permissions for the Reporter to perform the update.

You can set Preferences in each workstation to automatically check Live Update daily or any other interval, instead of the default of every 10 days.

File menu | Preferences | Screen tab | Automatically check for live updates once every XX days.

If your network blocks some users’ access to Live Update, you check the box: Don’t automatically download the updates, just tell me when they are available. Then IT can login as admin and run Live Update or get the Manual patches from our website.